Tuesday 4 October 2011

An Apple Poem A Day.....

A poem that celebrates the sensuality of the apple.  Come and celebrate the apple at our Apple Day, Saturday 15 October.

From Orpheus: A version of Rilke’s Die Sonette an Orpheus
By Don Paterson

Gooseberry, banana, pear
and apple, all the ripenesses….
Read it in a child’s face:
the life-and-death the tongue hears

as she eats…  This comes from far away
What is happening in your mouth?
Where there were words, discovery
flows,  all shocked out of pith-

What we call apple…Do you dare
give it a name?  This sweet-sharp fire
rising in the taste, to grow

clarified, awake, twin-sensed,
of the sun and earth, the here and the now
the sensual joy, the whole Immense!

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