Wednesday 22 October 2014

Transition Crouch End 'Rights of Nature' event at Meadow Orchard Project Sun 26th Oct 2.30 - 4.30pm

With inspirational speaker & international humanitarian lawyer Mumta Ito 
Mumta began her legal career in the heart of London’s financial sector, advising investment banks, multinationals and governments on large-scale complex transactions.

Today she is using her legal training to serve humanity. She set up the Virgin Islands Environmental Council, challenging the whole relationship between human law and the laws of nature, resulting in the ultimate protection of an area of international ecological importance.

Despite this success, Mumta had come to the realization that our modern legal system was inadequate at protecting the inherent rights of nature . This led her to the creation of the International Centre for Wholistic Law based in the Findhorn Foundation Community in Scotland. According to the Centre it recognizes nature, as having “the right to exist, persist, renew and maintain its vital cycles. Its about empowering people and communities to advocate for nature - by applying wholistic principles that encompass but also go way beyond the simple application of 'law' as it is generally understood. It also respects the interconnectedness of all life and that humans are but one part of that.

Mumta is currently engaged in a European Citizens' Initiative designed to change the world by embedding the rights of Mother Earth in the legal system of the 28-nation European Union.

At a time of increasing insanity in the race of extreme energy extraction techchniques , illicit transatlantic trade agreements (TTIP) etc, come hear her inspiring stories around the globe, and calls to Action including the pressing crises in Ecuadorian Amazon. Hear Mumta's proposals for how we can immediately make a difference in our local communities.

Meadow Orchard Project is behind the health centre car park on 151 Park Rd N8 8JT

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