Tuesday 13 November 2012

Midday Seasonal Tour and Forage for Winter Greens

Saturday 17th November - Midday Seasonal Tour and Forage for Winter Greens.

Tour of all things green! Beginning Queens Woods Cafe (N10 3JP ) and joining up with Urban Harvest forage at 1pm.

Meet at noon at Queens Woods Cafe to visit the Organic Garden and have a hot chocolate or snack if you wish.
Moving on to join Urban Harvests Winter Forage at 1pm (meeting up at the point where the alleyway from Queen's Wood comes out on Park Rd N8. (Opposite junction with Park Ave South)
Map here .It's on the W7 bus route.Then, depending on the weather, a brisk or leisurely walk looking for edible weeds.

Together we'll then see what's happening at the Meadow Orchard before sharing our foraged food (and any other food you wish to bring) around the fire at Plot21 community allotment, they also have a cosy cabin!.
Bring your own cup, plate and utensils.
Join us for as long as you like, feel free to contribute stuff you've picked/made earlier, and expect mud.
But arrive on time! It'll be hard to find us once we've set off.

Phone/ text Gemma with any queries 078 06 87 05 05

Tweet: @UrbanHarvestUK

Website: www.UrbanHarvest.org.uk

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