Tuesday 27 September 2011

Apple Day 2011 - Planning Notes

Transition Crouch End Meeting Notes Monday 5 September 2011

Apple Day Planning – The Maynard pub – we are in this to have some fun!!!
Tilly, George, Mike Dallymore, Pamela Harling, Gemma Harris, Gillian Livingstone, Chris Setz

Everyone introduced themselves.

1. Sourcing the apples 
George will be able to collect apples from his father's orchard again this year.  They can include some old varieties as well modern commercial varieties.  Church Farm apples?? Local apples? Volunteers needed to cut apples for tasting.

2. Stalls 
 There will be stalls for Transition Crouch End, Urban Harvest, Transition Finsbury Park (?),  apple games, longest peel (Patrick Marr has a machine for this?), cider making demonstration from Dick – Gillian to contact, apple mosaics from Rachel.  Bruce Castle archivists (Tilly has been in touch with them). Sustainable cocktails (Rebecca and Gemma), Meadow Orchard ?, Transition Walthamstow? Church Farm, jam, chutney and dried apple.  It was suggested that Chris coordinate the local groups.   

3. The apple press
It was agreed that this was difficult to handle last year.  So it was suggested that  the press should be against the wall this year to avoid too many people crowding round, and to have one or two sessions during the afternoon rather than a continuous event.  Mike will make a guard to deter people getting their hands too close.  People will be needed to cut the apples.  Gemma is collecting already, but as last year, most apples are ready now. People will be asked to bring along their own apples and pears for pressing and cups to drink from. The pulp could go to the Meadow Orchard.

4. Activities/Events
Anna Konarska has agreed to do activities with natural objects for the children. It was agreed to cover her costs and possibly some time.  Sarah Moore cookery demonstration (in a quieter place than last year). Film – could we show the BBC4 film about apples presented by Chris Beardshaw in June this year? Could we have a grafting demonstration?  Tree planting? It was agreed to announce events by ringing a bell.

5. Refreshments
 Publicity to ask people to bring cups for drinks.  There was discussion about using paper cups.  Hornsey Vale Committee are concerned about the washing up needs of using mugs.
It was agreed to provide coffee and tea this year (Fairtrade) (alongside fruit teas) with a view to having herbal and fruit teas only next year as being more sustainable.  This event is an opportunity to be a showcase for sustainable events. Bins for reuse, recycling and residual.

6. Funding
 There will be donation boxes around the event. It was agreed to charge £1p for teas and £1 for cakes.

7. Signs/decorating the hall
It was agreed that tables should be well labelled in advance. Notices required for the café, the timetable of events (Gemma to do a blackboard) and organisations represented.  A welcome table for people to sign in at is needed.  Possible raffle ticket for everyone as they arrive?  It would be  very helpful to have numbers of people attending and get new members for TCE.  Tilly has some display posters.  Common Ground posters.

8. Publicity
Gillian to do posters and flyers adapted from last year.  Needed by 17th Sept for the Well Oiled Festival. Press release – Gillian. Possible impromptu clocktower pressing again to publicise the event - 7th October.  Schools quiz??  Places to advertise the event – Haringey People, Harringgayonline, Opinion8, Freecycle, Common Ground. Hornsey Library, local shops.

9. Celebration
As last year, it was agreed that it would be nice if we could have a half hour together at the end of the day to celebrate the occasion

10. Final arrangements meeting
Next meeting to finalise details  is Monday 3 October, 8pm in the Maynard as before

Timeline for arrangements - ??
Collect the apples – George to pick up from Blackmoor.  Everyone to collect local apples.
Recruit volunteers to help on the day – everyone
Rota for welcome desk - Pamela
Rota for kitchen - Pamela
Bell for announcing events - Tilly
Co-ordinate the stalls - Chris
Posters and signs for the Centre – Gemma??
Blackboard for activities - Gemma
Prizes for competitions – George to ask for an apple tree from Blackmoor.
Publicity flyers and posters, press release – Gillian
Publicity e-mails – Chris
Arranging activities – Gillian to approach Dick and Church Farm, Tilly to contact Bruce Castle, Gemma to contact Sarah Moore
Publicity on the applepress Facebook page - Chris                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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