Monday 16 May 2011

Stationers Park

With the departure of Reg it is starting to be noticeable that the park upkeep is beginning to suffer.

The area where this is most noticeable is the water feature which is looking particularly shabby. Much of this is due to the algal blooms that are growing prolifically, particularly in the lower pond where the fountain is. This area also suffers from objects being thrown into the water which all contributes to the run down and uncared for look.

It is clear the level of care that was lavished on our lovely park is a thing of the past. This raises the question: what do we do about it?

We could moan at the council, but given the cash strapped state of affairs they are in, I doubt this would produce any satisfactory result.

The alternative is we start thinking in terms of taking on the responsibility for the park maintenance ourselves as a community. That way we can ensure the park management plan reflects the priorities of the community.

The Friends of Stationers Park have done a fantastic job in campaigning and raising funds to ensure a suitable successor to the play-fort is achieved. It would be a real shame if we end up with a lovely new play area surrounded by an increasingly neglected looking park.

I propose we start that dialogue now. What can we do as a community to take on the management of our park? How many members of the community would be willing to contribute? What resources are available to help with this?

I would like to bring this proposal to the next Friends of meeting to see what the appetite is for going down this route. In the meantime please add your comments and if you would be interested in getting involved contact me at

1 comment:

  1. This is so fun! What a great post. Also I love how authentic you seem to be.
