Monday 31 January 2011

Steering Group Meeting Minutes 17.01.11

 Meeting Held on 17th January 2011,
 8.00pm Three Compasses
Present:  Kate, Cathrina, Rebecca, Andy, Gillian (chair) Tilly (minutes)
Apologies:  George, Rachel, Kate Allerdyce
Agenda Items
Planning the TCE AGM
We decided to hold an AGM, hopefully at HVCC in March and will see if the following dates are available; 5th 6th or 13th March.
Confronting Climate Change conference
Rebecca fedback after attending this conference on 16th December 2010. She heard inspiring talks from Rob Hopkins, Polly Higgins,a barrister and Michael Meacher. Polly Higgins is hoping to support international legislation to outlaw ‘ecocide’ and also discussed working on acts to enable the work of transition initiatives. For more information contact Rebecca.
Staement of our funds
Current funds:
TCE cash fund (currently held by Gillian):   £257.01
TCE bank account balance:                       £1008.30
£500 being from Capital Growth fund received in Decmeber and to be spent on the Transition Kitchen Garden at HVCC. £350 being from the smoothie bike award.
Cycle Generator workshop
The idea of holding a workshop on how to construct bicycle electricity generators was discussed.
Action: Gillian will discuss with the company and see if they would be interested in running a workshop locally
TCE Communications
Gillian has set up Transition Crouch End Facebook, Blogspot and Twitter. Twitter has 70-80 followers. It was agreed by those present that it would also be useful to have a simple website, as many/most other well established transition initiatives have. We discussed how to proceed
Action: Tilly to buy a domain name as the first step
Action: Those interested to look at other transition websites and see what hosts they use.
Forthcoming TCE or TCE related events:
1)TCE Draughtbusting Workshop
This will be held by Cathrina and Kate on Jan 30th. Spaces limited.
Action: Kate and Cathrina to advertise
2)Events at Knowing Through Growing, Stroud Green library
Rebecca running Self development and planning day 31st Jan
Low Maintenance Gardening talk 18th Feb
Recycled mosaic making starting early February
Details from Rebecca
3) Spring Growing Spaces event at HVCC – 3.00-6.00pm Sat 26th March
Details to be confirmed- contact Tilly and  Gillian
4) Green on the Screen- dates for films on 2rd Feb, 2nd March and 6th April

Next TCE Steering Group Meeting:
8.00pm Monday 7th February
Upstairs meeting room, Three Compasses Pub

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